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CD think the content is "touching material"
CD think the content is "touching material"
Interior designed with
glass and paint
건물을 건물로만 보지 마세요.
Don't just look at a building as a building.
무수히 쏟아지고 있는, 그러나 감동을 주지 못하는 건물.
Building that is pouring in countless numbers, but does not impress.
디자인을 경험해 보지 않은 건물은 그 가치를 알 수 없다.
Building that has not experienced design cannot know its value.
(주) 시디는 건물은 사람과 같이하는 디자인의 일부라고 생각한다.
CD thinks buildings are part of a human-like design.
아파트, 상점 및 백화점에 대한 디자인의 영향은 삶의 가치이다.
Impact of design on apartments, shops and department stores is a value for life.
42, Teheran-ro 13-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea T:82.2.792.3401 F:82.2.6203.3402
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